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Welcome to the wonderful world of The Dead Times - you've made the right choice in visiting this site. But, what is the dead times, I hear you say? Like a cloaked and mysterious storyteller confined to the earthly medium of ink, I shall tell you the answer, should you take the time to read my carefully crafted text.

Imagine you wake one morning to find the recently dead roaming the Earth as mindless, flesh-eating Zombies. What will you do? How will you stay alive? How will you defend your home? Who will you trust? And just what is a Zombie anyway?

This scenario, to the common man, may seem nothing more than an overdrawn and utterly fanciful doomsday setting formed by the collective mind of a tainted media. Can Zombies really exist - can anything, once thought dead, live again to torment the living? And just how far does the rabbit hole of Zombie-hood go - how deeply has the infection spread throughout modern culture?

All these questions will be answered (as best they can be) and even more thrown up as I collate everything "Zombie" into one brain-chomping Resource of the Dead. These are not the End Times, these are... The Dead Times.



What is a Zombie?


The question "What is a Zombie?" is not as straightforward as it seems - it is actually deathly difficult to get a concise yet exhaustive answer. This article takes you through the rise of the Zombie, from its humble beginnings, through the infamous Romero period, right up to where it is today. Finally, the article provides the answer, beautifully simple yet engagingly open, to the elusive question of just what is a Zombie.

The Top 6 Landmark Moments in Zombie Media


In this truly fangtastic article, I go through a list of 6 of the greatest, most historic, landmark moments in Zombie history within the media; books, films, TV shows and more. These moments defined what a Zombie is, what Zombiism is and, taken together, presented the, often bumpy, evolution of the living dead.

The Outpost Franchise: Nazi Zombie Gold


Back in 2008 a Nazi Zombie movie, made on a miniscule budget, was released and is, to this day, my favourite Nazi Zombie movie of all time but, for some strange reason, hardly anyone knows about it, even after it spawned two sequels. This devasting lack of understanding needs rectified for the good of mankind. Buckle up readers, it is time to revisit the Outpost franchise...

Cadaver: Book 1


Two teenagers discover a frozen human body hanging in a small, isolated cabin in the woods. When they bring the corpse back to town for an autopsy, they inadvertently start a chain reaction to a full-blown Zombie apocalypse. As whatever virus this corpse had transfers to more and more people, the authorities scramble to contain the situation, fully realising that they may already be too late.

What, on Earth, happened to Dead Rising?

External Article

It's time to take a nostalgic look back at Capcom's other Zombie franchise, Dead Rising. After the original game, an Xbox-360 exclusive back in 2006, there have been 3 sequels, a myriad of DLC, 2 comics, 3 movies (one of them an episodic nightmare for Xbox Live Marketplace) and even a PC remaster. Still, now-a-days the growing franchise has disappeared from existence, which, in my view, is a terrible shame. What happened? What went so badly wrong to make this media-spanning phenomenon to sink into obscurity? This external article from MSN spills the proverbial beans.

Zombie Uprising


This picture is pretty off-beat to grace the virtual walls of our fetid website of undead horror - I usually try to have a specific theme or premise behind the image; a Zombie horde or the Zombified version of a well-known, fictional character, whether ripped from the ranks of horror or just made that way following conversion to a Zombie. This image, however, is none of those; it's just something that struck me as cool, in the moment. It's what the image conjures in my mind more than what it actually shows, being quite bland, lacking detail and composed of muted colours; greens, blacks and so on. This abstract nature can be quite striking - to the right eye. What the image hurls into my mind is that initial moment of a Zombie uprising, that moonlit night when, cheesy as it may be, the dead break loose from their tombs. An event which, taken seriously, has devilish consequences for those nearby, maybe even the world in general, and this picture excellently captures that feeling of impending dread. However, there is a flipside to that macabre coin, one where, the reanimated dead, while clearly still a catastrophic event for the living, have risen simply to have a good, if chaotic, time. As written on the The Return of Living Dead poster, "They're back from the grave and ready to party!".

28 Years Later concept poster


As I'm sure a lot of you are, I am super excited that director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland are, after more than two decades, returning to the franchise they started with 28 Days Later. This concept poster for the new movie by Creepy Duck Design, confirmed to be titled 28 Years Later, shows a blood red UK, Ireland and parts of northern France, littered with ominous Zombie hands (well, the hands of the Infected anyway - the Infected not being true Zombies). I love the bold simplicity of the thing; the dramatic bright red colour on a plain black background really making the dreaded "No Hope" message 'pop'. I also like how the hands of the Infected stretch into northern France, almost like battlelines, reminding us that, although Boyle's original 28 Days Later had them confined to the Great British island, 28 Weeks Later ended with the infection spreading to Paris. Of course, after 28 years, one can only imagine how much further those battlelines have spread...

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The Dead Times © Tom Clark 2013 onwards

'Universal Fruitcake' font sourced from


The Dead Times © Tom Clark 2013 onwards

Made with Kompozer

'Universal Fruitcake' font sourced from