A new website rises...

Welcome friends to a world where the dead rule. Where those once living no longer rest in peace but rise up from the grave, from the streets, from the morgues, hospitals and cemeteries, waking from their deathly eternal slumber to pursue the living, without fear, emotion or remorse. These are not the end times. These are... The Dead Times.

The dead walking the Earth in a seeming defiance of logic and natural order forces a word, pulsating and throbbing violently into the forefront of my mind – Zombies! Now my psyche is sent into overdrive, racing with questions and firing them out at invisible know-it-alls like bullets from a rifle. How can a dead person walk? What makes the dead re-animate? Why do the dead insist on eating the living? And just what is a Zombie anyway? I'm hooked. I just can't get enough information. It may be the sense that one day these creatures may appear in the real world, thrusting the fantastical Dead Times into the here and now, acknowledging the potential that mankind sits on the cushioned throne of the world precariously and needs to understand the walking dead before humanity is cast down from their lofty perch to cower in shadow before the domination of nightmarish lords. However, the dead re-animating in such a violent way does defy the scientific view held by many that death is the one true end to which no man nor beast can ever escape, doomed from the moment of creation. It is therefore entirely possible for someone to actually prove, once and for all, without any doubt that Zombies do not and cannot exist – now or at any point in the future. To me, this just bodes more questions. Questions that need answering...

It's more than that though, the physical questions and post-death behaviour are worthy considerations but they are just the top-soil on a freshly refilled grave. Zombies have invaded popular culture ever since their introduction to media. Why? Why is anyone interested in these maggot-infested walking bags of meat and bone? Games, movies, books, films, websites, jokes, TV programmes, songs, debating topics, one-off articles and even scientific research papers all involve Zombies now-a-days. Is this trend set to grow or falter?

© Tom Clark | Made using Pivot Animator

In The Dead Times website I'm going to write about Zombies. I'm not going to try and convince you that they are real nor hammer your mindset into my way of thinking – the one golden rule of this site is that if you have come here, you want to read about Zombies. I'll endeavour to make what I write as entertaining as possible – scientific, comedic, interesting concepts that are intended to spark debate among true Zombie fanatics and even fictional tales of survival in an undead world. I'll have a brief look at Zombie games, Zombie movies and Zombie fiction (Zombie fact too, if I can find any). In essence, if it's about Zombies it'll be on this site or linked to. And if it's not, shame on me, as anything Zombie related needs to be devoured by the screaming hordes that are my brain cells. So if you do stumble across anything about Zombies, containing Zombie references or just using the Z word, please get in contact.

One more thing, a lot of this site and its eventual rise to fame is up to you. Virtually everything I put on this site will have a comments section for you to leave any feedback you desire. Got an opinion on what I've just written? Drop it in a comment box and hit submit. Want more articles in that vein? Want to blatantly accuse me of not doing enough research before putting fingers to keyboard? Whatever it is on your mind, let me hear it and I'll attempt a meaningful response.

There you have it, The Dead Times in a nutshell (or a neatly encapsulated coffin for those that have not had enough Zombie references yet). I've got a lot of work to do now to get some meaty content on this site's meagre bones. Onward, to glory...

Made with Kompozer

The Dead Times © Tom Clark 2013 onwards

'Universal Fruitcake' font sourced from


The Dead Times © Tom Clark 2013 onwards

Made with Kompozer

'Universal Fruitcake' font sourced from